Happy Wednesday! Sometimes I do not know what day it is.
Right after I published my positive post, I went to a bad place for a few days. I have had two stints of not leaving the house for two days, and V has repeatedly expressed his concern/horror over my “Corona wardrobe.”
It has been a while since I have done a Monday musings, and I wanted to get back to the regularity of it. Here are a few thoughts over the last week on how I am trying to cope with quarantining during Corona.
1. I stopped watching the Presidential briefings. It had to end for me when the presidential posted that proganda video last Monday. I felt like I was watching a Goebbels propaganda video for Hitler, I was so terrified that I went to a very bad place for most of the week. Since stopping, I have already been sleeping better.
2. I have been getting used to wearing a mask. Thanks to some preppy, fashionable friends, I have now gotten some fun masks to wear. I personally will not feel comfortable going out without a mask for quite a while, so I needed some options. More on this to come.
3. I gave myself a day to just wallow in my sadness and crankiness. I did not worry about what I ate or working out or doing anything that I felt like I had to do. It was so necessary, and my sweet social media friends and my family were so supportive.
4. I am focusing on the little victories each day. The positive that came out of my self indulgence day is that I am now focusing on the little victories each day. Nothing groundbreaking. Just putting on makeup or cleaning a room in the house.
5. I started to paint again. Inspired by my incredibly talented friend, artist Meredith Hanson, I started to paint her demo of hydrangeas. It felt so good! Picture to follow, as this is a work in progress.
6. Finding Time for Myself. It is hard to have time to yourself when there are not a lot of places to go and not a lot of things to do right now. V sleeps later than I do, so I work out and take some time for myself to do little things before working. I also try to take some time for myself at some point in the day. Today, even though it was 45 degrees, I went for a long, solitary walk.
7. I watch The Golden Girls, classic movies and other fun things. The Golden is on in mornings before work, and I love watching it. The news does not bring anyone happiness these days, so this is how I like to start my mornings.
8. I work out and/or go for a walk every day. There is really no excuse, as I have said. And I feel better when I do. It is a great stress reliever.
9. I go outside and look at my perennials coming in. Given the weather, things have been very slow to come in. But it gives me hope in the scary world to see my hydrangeas, peonies and Rosa rugosas starting to green and bud.
10. I try to find someplace to drive or to run an errand for us to do every day. V and I were home together before the Coronoavirus hit, and it is very important for us to have something to do – even if it’s just a quick trip to pick up takeout. Having been around each other most of the day for many months was an advantage in that we were prepared for being quarantined together. But we are stressed, like everyone else that we cannot do the things that we normally do on our own or together. Going for a drive, even if we do not get out of the car, keeps us sane. V is great about pushing me to get dressed and get out o the house, and I am thankful for that.