This past weekend, I was lucky enough to attend the Travel and Adventure Show in Boston. Held at the Hynes Convention Center, it was the first year that the travel show took place in Boston.
All I can say is, WOW!! I have got a lot of traveling to do!There were two rooms of booths filled with representatives of countries, travel agencies, islands, cruises and everything that you would need for travel.
That included some drool-worthy cameras from Kodak, some anti-nausea bands with my favorite banner of the day and a portable pain relief system, which I treated myself to.
The show also features speakers like Samantha Brown (who I’ve watched since forever) giving some fantastic travel tips.
I became a fan of Valerie Wilson, solo traveler, after hearing her speak.
I got a ton of travel ideas, including some safaris whose owners support animal conservation!
There were performances throughout the weekend on the Global Beats Stage.
And last, but not least: the camels. Because of my animal advocacy mission and my string dislike for zoos, I was conflicted about attending the travel show because of camel rides. Jo-Don Farms is an animal rescue facility that takes in abused and confiscated animals. the camel that I met, Eli, had been rescued from a abusive owner. The handler explained that it was part of his rehabilitation to meet people and learn to trust them again.
Eli gave me tons of smooches, and I was smitten. I did not feel comfortable riding him (as I don’t believe that most animals are meant to be rode by humans), but I was very glad to meet him and to hear that he was being taken care of, along with his friends.
Thanks to CKO PR for letting me attend this great show.
The Travel and Adventure Show will be back in Boston next year from January 11-12, 2020. See you there!
Xoxo, PF
It was a great show! I had a blast attending with my husband and 1 year old daughter.
Totally missed the nausea band display & I need that so thanks for sharing.
Zulu Nyala donates a safari to the RESPOND Inc. – working to end domestic violence gala every year for our live auction. (I’m a fundraiser for RESPOND) Our executive director bought the trip one year and said it was amazing. Everyone who’s bought the safari trip raves about it.