Happy 2019 everyone!
And, yikes! I haven’t posted since Stroll, so I feel like I owe my readers an update!
Stroll was a blast, and I loved staying at the Pineapple Inn with one of my besties, Rachel.I visited my darling nephew mid December. we picked out a Christmas tree to surprise his dad, and we had a boatload of cuddles. I was supposed to come back with V ten days later, but we both got sick.
I caught up in NYC with my bestie Alex, who moved to Colorado in 2017. I miss her so much. Naturally, we ate seafood and had a two plus hour lunch.
I was then sick with Virus 1 for 5 days, through Christmas.
We went to V’s aunt and uncle’s house post-Christmas, when I was sure that I wouldn’t infect anyone.
I caught up with my friend Laurie for a fun road trip to Newport to hit the after Christmas sales and to grab a delicious lunch at Cooke House.

And then, V got my virus. So we stayed home for New Years, avoiding infecting anyone. We got takeout from the North End and had the cheese that I had bought for us to share with my sister and brother-in-law. And there were cat snuggles.V recovered for the most part a few days into January, and then I got Virus 2 (of course he had to give it back to get even – lol). This one was such a clinger that I didn’t think it was ever going to go away.
I took a liver detox class at The Juice Barn in Norwell and learned a bunch about being kinder to my bodyI stocked up on some clean beauty products at Follain before my trip to Florida.
Last week, I headed to Florida to warm up. It started out cool (windy and in the 60’s), but the last two days were in the mid-70’s and absolutely perfect!

Dress c/o JPK Key West
I found out yesterday that a friend has Cancer. Please pray if you pray, and send healing vibes if you don’t pray.Stay tuned for more frequent blog posts, including a super personal one.
Xoxo, PF