Happy 2016! I am SO ready to start this new year. While I can’t complain overall and the highs far outweighed the lows, there were some pretty heartbreaking moments in 2015 that I hope those who were affected and I can put behind us and never come close to experiencing again.
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that you got some things off of your wish list, and then some!
My bf did a great job getting me things that I actually needed and wouldn’t buy myself, such as a FitBit HR. Time to get the eating habits in line with my exercising habits, the latter of which I was able to establish a good weekly schedule that I have stuck to since mid-July.
As a black belt shopper, I love the post-Christmas markdown season. And it only gets better in January! Ideel currently has cashmere for under $40! This being said, I am holding off on a post-Christmas/January sale roundup for a little longer.
In the meantime, I wrote out a little list of some resolutions. I am taping this above my computer so that I stare it in the face every day.
I hope 2016 is a fabulous year for everyone! I am certainly excited about it! So much to do/accomplish!!!!