Last week was nuts!
V turned 50! We celebrated over the weekend with part of his family, just a small gathering of 7 people. We barbecued one night and got takeout the other night from a local favorite.
I painted cornhole boards for my boyfriend’s birthday!

I went to Nantucket for the day on Wednesday. It had been two months, which, for me, is an eternity. Separate post coming on that!

We were supposed to go to the Cape, but their fishing charter got cancelled due to high swells, so they went locally.
While they did that, I met my bestie for oysters and hot rum cider at Island Creek oysters.

I baked my second pumpkin pie, and my first baby apple of the season.

We lost RBG, and I am crushed. She held out for so long and fought cancer, sexism, discrimination and fought for equal rights for so long. I had my money on her holding out until January, but cancer defeats many heroes.

On a sad note, my family and I lost an extended family member (aka framily) member, Bill McQuail, due to complications from Parkinson’s and lews body dementia. He went into assisted living this summer, and, because of Covid restrictions, he could not hug his family members. This breaks my heart. Wear a mask. This needs to stop!

That’s it for now. Have a great week and a great beginning of fall.
Xx, Jen @preppyfrancophile