I have struggled with my weight for part of my childhood and all of my adulthood.
In my mid-late 20’s, I seemed to have things under control, maintaining a healthy 4/6. I slowly started putting on weight around the time that I turned 30, and didn’t stop until I had apparently gained about 50 POUNDS. Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. Granted, this happened over 13 years, but there is still no excuse.
I have been on a massive closet clean out, and I have realized a few things.
First, I have a CRAP TON of clothes. I am working on consigning with Poshmark and the Real Real (future posts on consignment), but it has been slow, as there is so much stuff and I am so overwhelmed that I stand there open mouthed, not knowing where to start.
Second, I have a bunch of clothes that I LOVE that I don’t currently come close to fitting into, that I don’t want to sell or give away. They aren’t replaceable, and I don’t want to replace them with a different (larger) size. So, time to get to it and get back into those Lilly size 6’s.
To clarify, I am not trying to lose 50 pounds. I don’t think that’s even possible for me at my age. 30 would be great, and it will get me into those size 6’s.
To inspire myself (and anyone else who reads my blog and feels what I am saying), here are a few snaps (not gonna lie-they are all old, I have been blonde for at least 5 years):
Wearing Lilly in Nantucket.
Cape Lilly lobsters. One of my faves.
Killing it in Chatham at a house party. The pink and green dress that my sister is wearing is another of my faves.
Where does the time go? With my best friend from home’s son. Look at my little arms! (I’m selling these Lilly pants)!
At my younger sister’s bridal luncheon. This one’s a 4, so selling it as well!!
Clowning backstage with Carbon Leaf.