2018 Resolutions and How I Did With 2017 Resolutions

Happy 2018! I hope it’s a great year for everyone! 2017 wasn’t bad- I’ve definitely had much worse!

Every year at the end of the year and the start of the new year, I take a look back at how I did and make a new list of what I want to accomplish. I keep my Resolutions list taped to the top of my desk all year. I try to look at it often, although I amazingly don’t every day.

So, breaking down 2017:

1. Travel more: pretty much a fail. I did get to take a lovely vacation for my mom’s birthday, but my house and vet bills ate up my travel funds.2. Create and stick to realistic budget: Total fail. See #1 and a million other excuses. Hopefully this year, now that my bf lives with me.

3. Spend more on travel, less on unnecessary nautical decor: I didn’t spend more on travel, but I definitely bought less nautical decor.

4. Put away more $ into savings: I did, but not enough.

5. Landscape front yard and garden in backyard. Not such much in the front, but I have a complete plan for this year. We did garden and had some great successes for year one!

6. Grow Senior to Senior Program. I didn’t grow this program, but I grew my rescue network, which was I consider a huge success!

7. Establish more regular workout schedule. I failed at this, but I drastically improved my eating habits and most 20 lbs. This year, I will incorporate a schedule to supplement that.

8. Cook more from cookbooks/recipes. Success! I have been cooking a lot more. And I have made two soups in the last 4 days!

9.  Read more books. Yes! And I am starting off 2018 reading a draft of my sister’s novel, scheduled to be published in 2019!

10. Start my side business this year. I did start a side business selling India Hicks, but It has not been successful. I have learned a lot, and I am not giving up.

11. Learn to code. Fail. Need to apply myself this year.

12. Reconnect with more people. I did reconnect with some people, but need to make time for this.

13. Save more animals. I am proud to say that I did. I personally fostered 3 death row saves and worked to save many others.

14. Be a better family member/girlfriend/friend/coworker. I hope I have done better in all areas, but there is definitely room for improvement everywhere .

15. Blog more. Definitely! I am not nearly where I want to be, but I have picked it up for sure.

16. Start painting again. I did start, but I didn’t get very far. More on that this year!

17. Get preppyfrancophile up and running. It’s up, but not running. Still on WordPress. Definitely this year!

18. Grow my client roster and make more money. I just about broke even, so I need to work harder. I did gain and grow some great clients, but not enough to make a difference in my commissions.

As for 2018, I have a lot of these goals on repeat with a bunch of things added. It’s never too late to make improvements and get your act together- at least that’s what I tell myself.

How did you do last year, and what are your goals for this year?

I hope that everyone has a great year and it’s your best yet!

Xxoo, PF
